Saturday, July 26, 2008

Labyrinth, 1986

I finally saw Labyrinth last night. Though it's hilariously bad at many times [like creepy singing and horrible acting], I was honestly really amazed by a lot of Jim Henson's puppetry. I saw the movie at the AFI Silver Theater in Silver Spring, [as part of both a Jim Henson and 80's Movies retrospective.] Jennifer Connelly should be a fashion icon based on that movie, with her collar unapologetically high and popped; her stick-straight, black hair all over the place with her dramatic head tosses. I definitely enjoyed the movie and certainly wish that I had first seen it at a much younger, less sarcastic age. Then I may not have focused so much on David Bowie's ridiculously obvious codpiece. 

The best part about being able to see these classic movies in the theater is definitely the audience. Despite seeing Labyrinth at 11:30pm, the cult followers were out and active, cheering and loudly commenting. This was almost as entertaining as the dude in Gimme Shelter, who just started whooping loudly for no reason.

[photo from]

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